Sunday, July 1, 2012

Roasted Cod With Tomatoes, Peppers, and Onions

(Modified from this cod recipe)

8-10 roma tomatoes, cut into 1/2 inch wedges
2 medium onions, cut into 1/4 inch wedges
3 green peppers (or red, yellow, or orange), cut into 1/4 inch slices
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp dried thyme
salt to taste
pepper to taste
1 1/2 - 2 lbs (6-8 fillets) boneless, skinless cod

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Combine tomatoes, onions, green peppers, thyme, and oil.  Divide between 2 9x13 baking dishes.  Pour any "extra" oil into the pans with the veggies, and stir them around to coat the bottom of the pans with the oil.  Roast veggies about 40 min.  Remove from oven.

Increase oven temperature to 450 degrees.  Push the roasted veggies aside in the pans, add the fish, and season it with the salt and pepper.  Spoon the veggies over the fish.

Return the dishes to the oven and bake until the fish is done (opaque in center) for about 10-12 min.

Serves 6-8.

*You can easily increase the amount of veggies you roast.  Veggies will shrink as they bake.

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